Cache your WordPress site with new plugin: WPSuperSonic
Tags: cdn, cloudflare, ttfb, wb page caching, WordPress, WordPress cache plugin
These days i have found that a brilliant man wrote a very useful plugin for WordPress based sites that named : SuperSonic
This plugin uses CloudFlare services to cache every dynamic page of your WP site then efficinetly reduces server load and page load time(TTFB) and greatly increases speed of your WordPress based site.
CloudFlare from 2012 offers full page caching that helps websites go faster. you can read more about it here :
For using these plugin you first need to install it.
Then it needs to create three rules in your CloudFlate account:
- URL pattern: /*.php*
Custom caching: Bypass cache - URL pattern: /*wp-admin*
Custom caching: Bypass cache - URL pattern: /*
Custom caching: Cache everything
Edge cache expire TTL: 1 week
(or even 2weeks) Browser cache expire TTL: 30 minutes.
The order of rules is important so please set them in appropriate order just like above.
After that you need to insert your api key and email address of your CloudFlare account:

Cache purge configuration



You can purchase one of our WordPress hosting plans then use this plugin for speeding up your website. the performance for websites with large traffic and visitors is great and you can expect reducing of resources and bandwidth usage by up to 70%.